इस्कॉन हरे कृष्ण मंदिर | नया नवद्वीप मंदिर बेलेत्स्काया कीव यूक्रेन | 360 Degree VR Video


Kiev congregation of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness – the largest community of followers of Hare Krishna in Ukraine. Due to the active and coordinated activities of the community in Kiev was built and is currently expanding the greatest temple of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in the post-Soviet countries are constantly being published regularly print – newspaper “House of Prabhupada” , operates the largest branch of the charity ‘Food for Life “in Ukraine , and everyone can go to study Vedic Sciences in Kiev Theological Academy of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
Per. Zoriane, 16, near the street. Belitskaya, Kiev, Ukraine – 04078
Phone: +380 (44) 4347028/5533, +380 (044) 4338312, +380 (044) 4840934/4042
Fax: +38 (044) 4840934
Website: click
Email: kiev@pamho.net, Kiev@cis.pamho.net, tomaradasa@gmail.com


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