Buddha Dhatu Jadi Shorna Mondir Golden Temple Bandarban Bangladesh | 360 Degree VR Video


Buddha Dhatu Jadi was founded by U Paññya Jota Mahathero back in the 1995. It’s been called as Golden Temple for it’s colour & structure. It is one of the largest Theravada Buddhist temple in Bangladesh. The Bandaban Golden Temple belongs to the Theravada Buddhism order, which is practiced by the Marma indigenous people, a dominant ethnic group of Bandarban.
Bandarban has a large ethnic population of Buddhists. Buddhism is practiced by a small percentage of 0.7 in Bangladesh, predominantly an Muslim country. Buddhism is the third-largest religion in Bangladesh and the practice is of Theravada Buddhism; most Buddhists are from the south-eastern district of Chittagong and Chittagong Hill Tracts. The ethnic population of the town belongs mostly to Marma, an indigenous group of the Chittagong hill region on the eastern end of the country. They are of Arakanese descent and Buddhists by religion, and are the second-largest indigenous group in the hill districts of Bangladesh. The Buddha’s dhatu (relic), which is enshrined in the temple, was a gift given to Ven. U Paññya Jota Mahathero in 1994 by the State Sangha Maha Nayaka Committee of Myanmar. (Wikipedia)
Phulpara, Balaghata
Bandarban 4600
Phone- 0361-62695, 01743-695701


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