Gurdwara Guru Harkrishan Sahib Oadby Leicester England | 360 Degree VR Video


Sri Guru Harkrishan Sahib Gurdwara, Oadby is situated at: 48 Kenilworth Drive, Oadby, LE2 5LG. It is commonly called “Oadby Gurdwara”. Affairs of the Sri Guru Harkrishan Sahib Gurdwara, Oadby are managed by a 11 member management committee. Gurdwara Sahib has a wide Diwan Hall on the first floor and a Langar Hall at the ground floor. Oadby Punjabi School and Akal Akhara Gatka Classes are also run at this Gurdwara Sahib. The Gurdwara has been registered as a place of worship and also a registered building for civil marriages. Gurdwara Sahib has book stall providing various books on Sikh history and Sikh struggle. Oadby Gurdwara displays a community notice board where important announcement concerning the community are displayed, besides quotes and other information.
48 Kenilworth Dr, Oadby, Leicester LE2 5LG, UK
Phone: +44 116 271 7977


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